Friday, 21 August 2015

Iran Is Working According to American policy

As for Afghanistan, Iran supported the U.S. occupation and the constitution set around the government made by America with Karzai as president, the majority of that was an Iranian administration to America. Iran has secured the north of the country when America failed to crush the Taliban. Previous Iranian President Rafsanjani said that: “If it were not for our troops fighting the Taliban, America would have sunk in the Afghan quagmire.” (al-Sharq al-Awsat Newspaper, 2/9/2002). Mohammad Ali Abtahi, vice for the former Iranian President Khatami for legal affairs and parliamentary elections in the Gulf and the Challenges of the Future Congress, held in Abu Dhabi on the evening of 1/13/2004, said: “If it were not for Iranian cooperation, Kabul and Baghdad would have never fallen so easily. But we received a bonus and we are within the axis of evil!” (Islam Online Net, 1/13/2004)  President Ahmadinejad has repeated the like on his visit to New York to attend the United Nations meetings in an interview with The New York Times on 9/26/2008 where he said, “Iran has provided a helping hand to the United States with regard to Afghanistan and the result of this assistance was the U.S. President’s direct threat to launch a military attack against us. Our country has also provided assistance to America in the restoration of calmness and stability in Iraq.”

What vouches for all the above is the result of the atomic transactions and America's insistence on closing this document to enhance public relation with Iran to execute the role America directs for it in the area, under the pretext of common interests and without a cover, not even with a cover as it was in the past! The American president conveyed a discourse before the White House to specifically discuss the most recent atomic concurrence with Iran, in which he depicted the assention as “good and meets our core goals”, and he said, “for the Iranian people, we are ready to work for the common interests” (Source: Radio Sawa of America 2/4/2015)…

It is clear from the US President's announcements that he needs to work with Iran under purported common interests! What could be the common interest with the big Shaytaan other than to achieve America's projects in the area?!

At that point what had happened and what is happening of agreeable arrangements between America, Iran and the Houthis in the Yemen occasions! As for the Houthi association with Iran, it needs no proof as it is more apparent than a banner lit with flame… As for America's support for the Houthis, then every person who has sight and insight is mindful of that, as America is behaving in Yemen with its known egotism, i.e. with equipped power and ruthlessness. At that point the Houthis possessed Sanaa and different spots other than Sanaa, arresting and killing under the reason of “the People’s Revolt and the People’s Committees…”, and America has been supporting these movements of the Houthis on both politically and security-wise:

Politically: America does not regard the Houthis as terrorists like Al-Qaeda, instead it regards them as a political movement. The US Ambassador Matthew Tauler said in his press conference on 18/9/2014 that: “We differentiate between those groups that participated in the political process, the Houthi movement participated in the National Dialogue Conference and many positive outcomes were achieved as a result, and they have political positions and legitimate ambitions… and therefore, we support the Houthis and their movement to do the same practices as those performed by the political movements and groups”. (Source: Press Observers Website)

Security: Upon the section of the Houthis to Sana'a, the armed force and police opposed them and killed seven of the Houthis on 9/9/2014, and Hadi was going to win until America raced to sending Ibn Omar, the UN delegate (or in reality America’s representative), and he put pressure on Hadi, and skimmed the issue by calling for arrangements, and giving the green light to the Houthis to warmth up their movement through the air of transaction, sponsored by the US pressures on Ibn Omar Ali Hadi…

Additionally, the late occasions affirm this support.

America has stretched out support to the Houthis by way of Iran with different kinds of weapons and gear so they find themselves able to dominate Yemen by power in light of the fact that it realizes that the political medium in Yemen is dominated by Britain's manifestations… Accordingly, the Houthis thought they had the power to dominate Yemen. In this way, they attacked the president to drive him to give them what they looked for the laws they had issued. He would concur, then postpone in execution… until they forced house capture on him yet he evaded, moving to Aden. They sought after him there, yet he got away again… America realized that its Houthi followers ended up in a shambles.

They had augmented themselves the nation over, however were not able to either effectively dominate nor were they ready to come back to their fortress in the north. in this manner America saw to spare them through constrained military activity, to hit two winged creatures with one stone: to demonstrate to them as being assaulted, after the individuals had started to see them as aggressors; and to make the environment for pressing arrangements for a trade off solution as this is its well-trodden path, when not able to take only it… The greater part of this has gotten to be clearer by following what occurred, and what is taking spot. In this way Saudi Arabia counseled with America before the military activity and those undertaking the dynamic military role – particularly the Saudi King Salman and Egyptian President Sisi – are American agents.

As for whatever remains of the Inlet States, Jordan and Morocco, their role is more political, according to the English propensity in countering America, such that it remains in the photo and has an offer in the forthcoming transactions, to take its bit of the cake in the dispersion of influence. While pressing military activity succeeds at times, in opening the entryway of transaction, it likewise fails at times, destabilizing matters once again, engulfing Yemen in its flame – Yemen, who was content and upbeat a time in the relatively recent past… when its pure area was not defiled by the agents and disbelieving colonialists.

What's more, reflecting on what happened and its outcomes exhibit the way that America is the one responsible for the course of occasions, in this manner the center of the Saudi assaults were on the weapons that the Muslims paid for, and the majority of the casualties were civilians, while just a little were of the Houthis…

In the interim, Iran did not interfere, but rather remained watching from far off in spite of the fact that the voices were raised with the Decisive Storm military operation which is falling on the heads of the Houthis! This demonstrates that the Maestro of the movements adjusts the rhythms to touch base to solutions which spare the Houthis, not obliterate them, and to give them a noteworthy offer, not eradicate them… and that Saudi Arabia is mindful of this, and is driving the Tempest of its definitiveness and trust in understanding with this beat… !

In addition, Iran is mindful of this and watches without military intervention, according to this beat… ! Significantly further, it even consented to the inspections of its boats carrying guide before reaching Yemen's shores, that is on the grounds that it is the thing that America had needed, along these lines Iran succumbed..! Along these lines, pretty much as Saudi Arabia is disciplined with its definitiveness and trust according to America's bearings, so is Iran, as those two realize the reason for these intense activities which we have outlined. What's more, there they are turning towards a warmed ceasefire that goes before the icy solutions!

Taking everything into account, Iran is not "evading" from American policy, rather it didn't even abandon it, all under the pretext of common interest with the big Shaytaan!

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